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  Product Price Quantity Subtotal
Rear Scooter Bag with Crutch Holder
Rear Scooter Bag with Crutch Holder $189.00
Pride Pathrider 140XL Mobility Scooter
Pride Quest S19 Deluxe Folding Mobility Travel Scooter $3,699.00
Short Slipper Boots XD1900?
Shower Stool - C-BA392 $135.00
Transit Mobile Shower Commode With Slideout Footplate - 445mm
Transit Mobile Shower Commode With Slideout Footplate - 445mm $1,299.99
iGo Carbon Fibre Folding Power Wheelchair $3,999.00
Apollo Back Support
Aquatec Ocean Ergo Transit XL Commode $1,495.00
Drive Medical Aston Shower Commode
Drive Medical Aston Shower Commode $949.99





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$11,805.98 (includes $17.18 GST)