Understanding Mobility Scooters For Daily Use

Understanding Mobility Scooters For Daily Use

Understanding Mobility Scooters For Daily Use

If you are someone who has limited mobility, then a mobility scooter could be just the thing that you need. In fact, plenty of people who use one would describe them as life changing due to the fact that they make your life a whole lot easier. You no longer have to worry about how you are going to have to get from point A to point B in your daily life which is a massive help. Mobility scooters will make the journeys that you have to make all the time like heading to the shop that little bit easier, taking some of the stress out of your day.

The important thing to remember when trying to choose one of these is that there is a range of different types available depending on your needs. You’re going to need to consider what you want to use it for, where it’s going to be used, how much you can spend, if it’s going to go on public transport and so on. In this article, we are going to be taking a look at mobility scooters, and some of the considerations that you need to think about before you purchase one. If you would like to find out more about this topic, keep reading down below.

All Weather

Ideally, you should not be using your mobility scooter in harsh weather conditions such as rain or snow. You will probably find that no matter what class of mobility scooter you buy, it isn’t going to get you very far when the snow starts to fall. When it rains, you need to be extremely careful, and it is advised that you don’t go out where possible. If you are out and the rain is moderate, then make sure you are driving carefully to avoid any accidents happening. However, it’s best if you can find your way inside and stay there until the rain has stopped. 

Of course, you can buy covers to ensure the controls are safe and not at risk of damage. There are other waterproof accessories that you can purchase to make your journey safer and ensure that your mobility scooter is kept in the best possible condition. If you don’t have waterproof accessories, then you could keep damaging your scooter by going out in the rain. 

The heat shouldn’t make a big difference to your scooter, so this is going to be okay no matter what the temperature is. However, when it gets too hot, it’s best to stay inside and keep your mobility scooter inside to avoid any potential, rare issues that could occur. 

On The Road

If you know that you’re going to need to use your mobility scooter on the road, you’re going to need a class 3. These are designed to be heavier and larger than the other types of scooter available and they usually go up to 8mph. 8mph is the maximum speed limit for using a mobility scooter on the road, and you can use them anywhere except for motorways, bus lanes or ccle only lanes. It’s best to avoid dual carriageways that have a speed limit of over 50mph because as with motorways, this can be extremely dangerous for you. There is no minimum speed limit on these roads, so you can go as slow or as fast you like up to the maximum speed of the scooter. 

Make sure that the scooter you are looking at has all of the features that you need it to have. The class 3 scooters have indicators, hazard lights, front and rear lights, a horn and a rear view mirror to ensure that it is safe to use on the road. For all intents and purposes, it has all of the features that a car has to make it safe for use with other drivers around. You will also find that these are more comfortable to drive as they have been designed with road use specifically in mind. Thanks to the larger build, you will have a more pleasant time with one of these than the other classes. 

On The Pavement

One of the most common places to use mobility scooters is on pavements. If you know that you’re going to be sticking to pavements and other surfaces like this, which essentially means not on the road, then a class 2 mobility scooter is going to be the best choice. These are ideal when there are no bumps on slopes at the place that you’re going to be traveling which is the case for most pedestrian areas.

Class 2 mobility scooters are a good option if you’re going to be going inside to places such as shopping centers and supermarkets. These places tend to have flat surfaces, so it’s not going to test your scooter too much, making for a smooth ride. It’s important to be aware that the maximum speed for this class is 4mph as this is the legal speed limit for when you are on the pavement. Some models do go faster than this, but we don’t recommend going past the 4mph cap.

If you are looking for something that is cost-friendly, class 2 is going to be your best bet. These mobility scooters are typically cheaper than the ones that have been built for road use as they require less features such as the indicators. As such, if you tend to stay inside and you don’t need to get your scooter on the roads, this class is going to be more than adequate for you.

The Cost Of Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters can range in price, starting anywhere from a few hundred and going all the way up to a few thousand. It will depend on the specific features that you require, and the size. For example, lightweight mobility scooters can be found for anywhere between 700 to 2000. Seeing as these come under class 2, they are the cheaper models that you can purchase.

If you need a class 3 mobility scooter as they are better equipped, bigger and can be used on the road, then you are going to be looking at somewhere between 2000 to 5000 roughly. They travel quicker, they have bigger batteries meaning they need to be charged less, and they are designed to do more than those that are found in class 2, of course, meaning that they cost more.

Buying is the best option when you are going to be using the mobility scooter on a daily basis, but it is worth pointing out that they can also be rented by some companies if this is a better option. It might even be a short-term solution for you while you save up the money to make the purchase you are looking at.  

Consider Your Body

This should be a big consideration for anyone who is looking to buy a mobility scooter. You need to think realistically about your body and which scooter is then going to suit you best. The smaller models usually have a capped weight of anywhere between 15-20 stone, so if you know that you weigh more than this, one of the heavier models is going to be the best choice, even though they tend to cost more. Seeing as you are going to be using your mobility scooter for daily use, it’s important that you are supported properly and safe when you are driving. 

It is important that you understand that using a mobility scooter that is not adequate for your size could cause damage to the vehicle, and invalidate any warranty that may have come with it. 

But, it’s also about comfort as well as practicality. You don’t want to be uncomfortable throughout the entire ride because you bought a scooter that doesn’t suit your needs. We recommend that you browse through the options, and settle on the scooter that will make your ride both efficient and comfortable. 

Specific Types Of Mobility Scooter

There are so many different types of mobility scooter, and it’s going to take a fair amount of research to find the best one for you and your specific needs. However, we can recommend a couple of different models.

The Eco 745 is an attractive scooter, and has a comfortable throttle operation to make it a pleasant ride for you. It also includes a safety feature that reduces the speed when turning. 

The Invacare Leo is a lightweight scooter that is comfortable, and has excellent maneuverability. It’s compact, weighs 59kgs and is extremely easy to operate.  

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better understanding of mobility scooters for daily use. There are so many considerations that you need to think about before you can purchase a mobility scooter to ensure that you get the right one for you. It’s all going to depend on what you are looking to get from the vehicle, and what kind of place you live in. If you take the advice that we have given you above, you will be able to get the mobility scooter that suits your needs as much as possible, ensuring that you get the best possible experience.

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