Facts About Mobility Aids That You Never Knew
Mobility Aids
Mobility aids were created for those with limited mobility and currently, there are numerous mobility aids to make their lives easier inside or outside the living premises. Devices to aid when climbing stairs or getting in and out of a car can help the elderly or immobile people’s lives to be simple, safe, and more comfortable. There are various types of mobility aids to support any type of impairment.
A mobility aid is also known as an ambulatory device, and it can be attributed to any equipment that helps a person with walking or improving their mobility. These devices are safe and prevent the risk of falling, provide motorized mobility for those unable to walk and lighten the weight of an injured leg.
A Physical Therapist should be assigned to work with the user to ensure the chosen mobility aid is adjusted according to the height and position. Further, physical therapy exercises could be done to strengthen the muscles and the arms and legs.

1. People who are aged, disabled or saddled with an injury could get assistance from mobility aids to walk or move from one place to another. These devices have been designed specially to activate mobility. Mobility aids come in various equipment such as canes, crutches, walkers, manual and electric wheelchairs, motorized scooters, lift and electric chairs, etc.

2. Knee walkers are more beneficial than crutches. These are useful for people with an amputated leg, foot injuries, arthritis or walking-related issues and it requires only 25% less energy than a crutch. It also helps to keep the leg elevated, maintain the strength of the bones and circulate the body weight between both legs.
3. Special care must be taken when using a cane on stairs. Whenever going upstairs, the stronger leg should be used first to balance your weight and thereafter the weaker leg and walking stick should be used.

4. Mobility aids are a necessity for simplifying the lives of those with mobility issues as well as their caregivers. Currently, there are approximately 640000 people using mobility aids spanning from wheelchairs to artificial limbs. A walker is good enough if the patient is somewhat immobile. The walking stick and the walker are the most consistently used mobility aids. The other commonly used device is the manual wheelchair. Overall, approximately 2.8% of Australians use one or more mobility aids.
5. Some people may find this equipment too expensive to afford but fortunately, the government is providing free assistive equipment for those with disabilities. Whatever the disability faced, further information could be gathered from National Disability Insurance Scheme and check eligibility for funding.
6. Although these mobility aids can be funded by the government, if a person is eligible for financial assistance, most government funding agencies have their own chosen stores that provide mobility aids.
However, the aid that provides the best maneuverability, safety and comfort should be considered for purchase on medical advice.
How to purchase online

Purchasing online from Mobility Caring is an easy process.
· Select the required item and click on “add to cart” with the quantity required.
· Click on the “cart” image appearing on the top right corner of the page to review the items.
· Once you are ready to place the order, click on “checkout” for your order summary to appear for your review.
· Fill in the payment option and shipping address and click on “place order” to confirm the payment. Soon after the order is placed a confirmation will be sent via email
Orders above $399 will be offered free shipping by Mobility Caring Australia.
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