Should You Buy or Rent a Mobility Scooter: A Complete Guide

Should You Buy or Rent a Mobility Scooter: A Complete Guide

Should You Buy or Rent a Mobility Scooter: A Complete Guide

If you ever find yourself in a position where your mobility is compromised, it can feel very demoralizing. When you are used to being able to control your movement and move wherever you want, having that freedom limited and restricted is something that many people find highly frustrating. It can happen for many reasons, including illness, age, and injury, and the effects can last longer for some than others. You may find your mobility only temporarily diminished as you recover from an operation, or perhaps you will find yourself adapting to more long-term changes in your health and physicality.

In any situation, a mobility scooter can go a great way towards giving you the autonomy, convenience, and speed of movement that you need to enjoy your life. The effects of this cannot be underestimated, and people who have used a mobility scooter have found their quality of life vastly improved. There are many different types of scooter, suitable for different people and events. You may need the services of an off road scooter if you live in a rural area, and many people with specific needs find a disability scooter has features that are tailored to their requirements. For greater stability, a 3 wheel mobility scooter might be your best option, or if you retain more mobility and simply want the convenience available, a portable or foldable mobility scooter could be the solution.

Whatever the kind of scooter you need, you’ll also need to decide whether to buy or rent a mobility scooter for your needs. This decision will depend upon a variety of factors. Scooters can be a significant investment, after all, and you’ll want to make sure you balance the pros and cons to make sure you can utilize the best scooter for your individual needs, for the right amount of time, in the most practical way. So, what are the steps that you’ll need to take as you consider whether to buy or rent a scooter and what are the different scenarios that suit each option best?

Short-Term Injury

Recovering from short-term injuries (for example, those that take between two weeks and several months to heal) can be a frustrating process. However, it’s important that you don’t put too much strain on the injury too quickly otherwise you might interfere with the healing process. Using a mobility scooter could be the solution, allowing you to maintain your daily routine whilst you heal. Of course, if the injury is short-term and you have a definitely end date for the return of your mobility, renting a scooter may seem like the wisest choice. You should always take time into account, however. Rental can cost around $100 a week, and if you’re undergoing a healing process of several months, renting for that amount of time could amount to the same as buying anyway. You’ll want to weigh-up the upfront costs against any possible resale value as you consider whether to rent or buy.

Going On Holiday

One major reason to rent a mobility scooter rather than buy one is if you are going on holiday. It might be that you normally cope just fine without a scooter, but you want to go abroad and see the sights. The type of strenuous walking we do whilst sightseeing is very different from an ordinary day where you might simply pop to the shops. You might also be somewhere where the simple option of returning home to rest is taken away from you, so you’ll need a scooter for instant rest and relief. For these short-term scenarios, renting is often the solution. Even if you already own your own scooter at home, you might want to consider renting abroad as an alternative to the luggage costs of taking your own scooter along for the ride. It’s always worth researching the accessibility of your chosen location, as well as the costs and ease of renting a mobility scooter at your point of arrival.

Travel Plans

Whilst renting for holidays is a brilliant solution, you may also want to consider any future travel plans and factor these into your decision as to whether you want to rent or buy a mobility scooter for your adventures. If you are planning a particularly long trip, spanning several countries, or even if you’re just a frequent traveller who’s always jetting off to new locations, buying might become a better option. You will avoid the hassle of renting and returning at each new place, plus you can be assured you’ll have a scooter you trust, rather than getting used to a different model each time. The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t compromise on the excitement and possibilities offered by travel simply because of any hampered mobility – buy or rent a scooter, and get out there!

Every Day Use

When it comes to buying a scooter in general, it’s helpful to ask yourself a few serious questions, the main one being how often are you going to use it? This will vary massively between each person – and it might also change with time. It’s okay to keep asking yourself this question and reassess your actions if the answer changes. If you would use the scooter almost every day, or several times a day, this is very different from using it once a week or so. The more frequent your usage, the more likely it is that you will benefit from buying your own scooter for daily use. If your usage isn’t as frequent, it might be worth considering an alternative such as walkers, walking sticks, or crutches.

Day Trips

Using a mobility scooter can be a life-saver when it comes to enjoying day trips with your family. You no longer have to worry about pain or fatigue whilst wandering around cities, parks, and heritage sites. In fact, a scooter can help you remember and rediscover activities that you love, now that you can approach them free of the dread of losing your energy or hurting yourself. However, depending on the regularity of these day trips, buying a scooter might feel like an unnecessary extravagance. Luckily, many rentals are now offered where you can hire a mobility scooter for only a day or two, making it a much more practical solution than if you had to hire a scooter for an entire week to cover a single day’s worth of usage.

Long-Term Disability

When it comes to long-term disability, buying your own mobility scooter is usually preferred to renting. The type of scooter that you use can be a hugely personal decision, depending on comfort, size, features, and many other considerations, and buying your own scooter means you can ensure that your needs are fully catered for. It also offers you a feeling of security that a rental cannot, as you will know that this scooter will be with you through thick and thin, whatever the scenario. Furthermore, it’s important that when you buy a mobility scooter to help you live a fulfilled and active life with a long-term disability, you consider all the options available to you, enabling you to make the most informed choice possible, and live without regrets.

Talk to Peers

When it comes to choosing your accessibility requirements, deciding whether to rent or buy a mobility scooter and then deciding what model to use, it will be helpful to get as many second opinions as you can. You may have friends or peers who already own their own mobility scooters, or who have experienced renting them in the past either for daily life, injury rehabilitation or for holidays. Ask around and see if you can get recommendations for certain suppliers. This can be particularly useful when travelling, as you may not know the area you’re going to, and you want to be able to find a scooter you can trust. Word-of-mouth advice can be invaluable. If you don’t know anyone personally, there are always internet forums of mobility scooter users who are always willing to offer advice and share their experiences. You’ll soon find a community of people like you, and you might even end up in a position to share your own knowledge in the future.

Consider Your Options

A mobility scooter can change your life. This is not hyperbole, many people dealing with mobility issues can become depressed as they feel unable to undertake activities and trips that bring them joy. Taking the step towards using a mobility scooter can transform your perspective, giving you your independence and autonomy whilst enabling you to return to places and events without your comfort and safety feeling compromised. The choice of whether to rent or buy a mobility scooter will ultimately depend on your individual circumstances and what you plan to use it for: for recovering from injury, day-to-day use, or holidays of any length. The most important thing is that you fully consider your options so you can make an informed decision based on your requirements, allowing you to enjoy your life to its fullest.

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