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Make The Switch! Manual To Power Chair!

Make The Switch! Manual To Power Chair!

Make The Switch! Manual To Power Chair!

Three-quarters of people who use wheelchairs permanently suffer pain at some level of the spine. Living alone and using a manual chair are associated with an increased risk of suffering some discomfort. It may be connected to a spinal injury or MS. However, manual wheelchairs can be relatively uncomfortable over time. Some disadvantages of a manual wheelchair are quite extensive and can lead to decreased inactivity. 

A manual wheelchair can be impractical when the user has to travel considerable distances in their place of residence. Even if someone else guides the chair, physical effort is essential. It is becoming less common to see chairs of this type in cities, precisely because they are less functional for frequent use. An example of their impracticality is that they tend to be less effective at making unexpected maneuvers on the road. Some further disadvantages are: 

  1. If you lack upper body skill or strength, and the ability to move on your own, it may not be a good idea to get a manual chair. 
  2. They are more challenging to maneuver than an electric chair. You will lose the luxury of automatic mobility. 
  3. Depending on your condition, you may require a helper to move you if you use a manual chair.
  4. General fatigue.
  5. Posture problems that could lead to further pain and problems. 

All of the above could lead someone to decide to make the switch to an electric chair. While there are many factors involved when deciding on the right chair, it can be an incredibly positive lifestyle shift – and one that should be discussed with family and caregivers. The simplicity of an electric chair makes things much more comfortable to grasp – the speed settings allow you to go at a pace that’s right for you and all the maneuvers that can be completed with the ‘joystick’ efficiently. There is minimal learning attached, and it can create an almost overnight transformation. 

Advantages of making the switch! 

The first great advantage of the electric wheelchair is undoubtedly the movement that is necessary to handle it. It takes much less effort and much less concentration and use of the muscles. The improvement of posture in an electric chair helps shift the center of gravity towards the direction you want to go, making the intestines involuntarily move. The upper abdominal part is strengthened, and the functioning of the digestive system improves. There are a plethora of other benefits too, including:

  1. The autonomy of movement. 
  2. Less physical stress. 
  3. They are reclining. 
  4. Easy to use. 
  5. Greater comfort. 
  6. It can be used on all types of surfaces. 
  7. It charges while we sleep.
  8. More activity and a zest for life. 
  9. Let’s look further into the benefits that an electric chair can bring in a little more detail. 

They are easy to use!

They have great ease of use: electric wheelchairs are the easiest to use. In this way, there would be excellent technology that allows you to go to all kinds of places in a very comfortable and safe way. Its adaptation is almost instantaneous, so it would not represent a difficulty for people with mobility problems. This type of wheelchair avoids all kinds of stress due to use. Therefore, the effort to move can be reduced, which generates excellent comfort and helps those who have mobile disability diseases.

Offers great comfort. 

Unlike conventional manual wheelchairs, these alternatives are responsible for providing great comfort to people. It has adjustable backrests and seats, which are capable of being modified. In addition, they provide significant relief at all times, avoiding any type of discomfort. They can be driven on all types of surfaces: electric wheelchairs have the characteristic of allowing them to be handled on all types of surfaces. This is because they have a wheel adjustment, and, in addition, it is possible to modify the wheels’ positioning.

They do not pose a charging problem.

Electric wheelchairs have long-lasting batteries so that they can be used for a large number of hours. It is also possible to charge them while sleeping, facilitating this process and avoiding all kinds of discomfort in this regard.


Independence is often compromised in the absence of mobility. Standing wheelchairs will not make the user regain full independence, but they will be of great help when performing specific movements that would not be possible without it. In addition, the standing electric chair has certain economic advantages since it will not be necessary to make too many adaptations at home, which entails significant savings in money and care by an assistant. Reaching higher shelves, taking something out of the freezer, or cooking without adaptations are just a few examples of activities that the user could carry out independently.

Participation in social activities.

Using their wheelchair with ease brings more confidence to the user to participate in social activities. They will interact with the people around them through eye contact and feel more integrated into society. While it is true that getting this type of chair may not be within reach of all budgets, it is also important to assess not only its medical and social benefits but also the money savings involved in reducing the number of adaptations and assistance within the home. The worries and issues that come with being in a wheelchair are many, and it’s often challenging to make the switch. However, it brings a vast amount of comfort to those who do decide to do so. 

Quality and price ratio. 

The manual wheelchair may be a good option for short term use due to the price link it offers to the user. This type of product is cheaper from a budget point of view. Therefore, the investment is also more comfortable; however, an electric chair is an excellent investment for long term usage. The investment covers many aspects of the chair—for example, a foldable or narrower model. About the dimensions of the chair, it is essential to consider the size of the person and the environment in which they will move more frequently. For an excellent adaptation to the environment, the chair must be perfectly integrated with the physical space’s proportions. A chair with these characteristics can be useful and practical to be at home and promote movements inside the home, within a safe area. These chairs can be adapted to personal needs much more comfortable than a manual chair that doesn’t fold. A folding wheelchair means convenience. 

They can handle different types of terrain well. 

Unlike traditional wheelchairs, electric ones adapt perfectly to any type of terrain they travel through. This is mainly due to the wide variety and options of tire types and the different wheel positions today. A motorized wheelchair can have different movement options, whether in the middle of town, on the beach, or in your own home.  Some chairs’ large wheels at the rear and the smaller wheels at the front will provide more excellent stability for the user’s driving both indoors and outdoors. In addition to this variety, we find two other types of traction in electric wheelchairs:

Central drive: six-wheel chairs that offer very natural turns from the center of the seat with a turning radius of zero meters. Also, this type of traction allows turning on-ramps and traveling on very uneven terrain.

Front-wheel drive: especially suitable for outdoor use and overcoming obstacles, they maneuver very well in tight spaces, although they are more significant than the rest.

Unlike conventional wheelchairs, electric ones allow the user greater accessibility. In this case, they can cope with longer distances, a fundamental aspect for reduced mobility. The effort required has nothing to do with that of a traditional wheelchair. It should also be noted that power assist wheelchairs are better suited to small spaces. They are smaller than electric scooters since they have somewhat limited access to elevators, premises, and housing. Wheelchairs can handle better in these spaces or narrow streets as they have a smaller turning radius. There are plenty of reasons to say yes, but purchasing one will take a little bit of research.

Safety tips to note.

Your motorized chair will make a great addition to your life, but you must be sure that you don’t interfere with its workings. You should always: 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions – Above all, regarding the use and maintenance of the chair. It would be advisable to do a review, at least every two years, in an official workshop. Do not manipulate the engine mechanics.  – This implies taking the chair to official (or authorized) workshops for repair, maintenance, or revision. Riding in places that allow independent driving –  In other words, avoid having to use several people to help you, for example, down or up a step. In these cases, and given the excessive weight to be handled, the chair’s mechanics can be damaged.

People of different ages use electric wheelchairs. They are vital if you want to enhance the individual’s autonomy through means adapted to their development. Without a doubt, the electric model will help you keep your schedule active thanks to autonomy. For further information, please refer to our website


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