Mobility Equipment

What You Need To Know About Mobility Scooter Usability

What You Need To Know About Mobility Scooter Usability

One of the most frequently asked questions from people about mobility scooters is if the equipment is capable or not, of moving on the road, climbing uphill or descending a slope. The answer to these queries is not specific. This is due to the difference in the mobility scooters and the operation is according to the manufacturer’s specification.All mobility scooters are tested by manufacturers and...

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Wheelchair Varieties You Need To Know About

Wheelchair Varieties You Need To Know About

Ever since wheelchairs came into production, many innumerable types of wheelchairs have been produced within a span of maybe half-century. Various types ranging from manually operated to tilting and reclining power wheelchairs are now freely available in the market.Here, we discuss the various kinds of wheelchairs, their functions and the pros and cons to educate and enhance the knowledge when the...

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Top Five Travel Friendly Mobility Aids

Mobility aids are appliances manufactured to assist people with issues moving around and being unable to enjoy their freedom and independence. Some of these are designed to enhance balance, increase strength and help with the weakness of the legs. It can improve safety by preventing falls, permitting users to be active without the assistance of a caregiver or loved one. Usually, those with disabil...

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Winter Storage Tips For Your Electric Wheelchair

Those who love being in the snow don’t usually bring their electric wheelchairs. However, those who can move by themselves opt to hire a motorized wheelchair for their travel. Sometimes, they might have left their mobility equipment at home and prefer to purchase an electric wheelchair when they want to get a second one. Assess the following storage tips if you are planning to travel to the south ...

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What Do You Need To Know About The Differences Between Walking Frames And Walkers?

What Do You Need To Know About The Differences Between Walking Frames And Walkers?

You often hear about walking frames and walkers, and a lot of people tend to think that they are the same thing. The reason for this is that the differences are not often highlighted, leading people to believe that they are one and the same. However, there are in fact some big differences that need to be addressed and will make one more suitable for a certain type of person over another. In this a...

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Common conditions that necessitate mobility assistance

Common conditions that necessitate mobility assistance

People have a range of reasons for needing mobility equipment to facilitate their independence and improve their quality of life. Some people may have issues with balance, others may have a diagnosis that impairs the function of their lower body. No matter what the reason you need assistance walking, there is a piece of equipment that suits your needs. Parkinson’s As a condition that affects the...

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